Matt and Lizzies trip

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

America, Land of the Free $6 Entry Fee

July 4th, Independance Day, in war torn, devastated America. Ever since George W changed the declaration to read "life, shopping and the pursuit of criminals" the nation has gone steadily downhill. The military has collapsed after the ill-fated "America needs YOU to fight for its oil profits" campaign folded. People are forced to excercise their right to arm bears, because if Mexico invades, it'll be the last thing they expect. The campaign against potential terrorists (aka foreigners) requires all suspects to be fingerprinted, photographed and charged for the privilege; the fewer people that get in, the fewer trouble makers there will be.
Unpatriotic acts of dissidence, such as sending up fireworks in the old British colours of red, white and blue are tolerated for now, but a crack down could come at any time. Food is sold by what it isn't; lo-carb bread, no-sugar sugar and organic no sugar no carb no fat dolphin friendly "soy good" chocolate. Complaints by people who want dolphin unfriendly chocolate have gone unheeded.

In soviet russia, freedom of speech. In America, freedom after speech also -Yakov Smirnoff


  • Look, its a spoof, ok? If you can't laugh at this kind of thing, they've won.

    By Blogger Matt and Lizzie, at 2:27 AM  

  • Well, I DID get a chuckle, and it's very clever. Where the hell is that photo from? I guess I shouldn't complain because at least it's not one of my non-lo-cellulite butt! As always, anyone not satisfied with the good ol' USA is free to leave... or is there a $6 charge?

    Pati ;0)

    PS And no "Happy Birthday" for the old lady?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:41 AM  

  • That photo was the winner of the world press photo general news catagory - stumbled on a free exhibition in La Paz, found it on the internet description is "Fire rages through the favela (slum ghetto) known as Buraco Quente (Hot Hole) in the south of São Paulo in Brazil on August 30. The fire destroyed over 200 shacks within minutes, but there were no fatalities". Full credit to J.F. Diorio, Brazil, Jornal O Estado de São Paulo for taking it.

    Its free to leave the USA, although no free drinks on the toronto seattle flight. The hostess insisted they were only available on international flights, despite my assurances that toronto was in a different country.

    ps Happy Birthday!

    By Blogger Matt and Lizzie, at 8:24 PM  

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