Matt and Lizzies trip

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Rochester NY/Canandaigua

Well, we've finally made it to America!

Pati (Liz's cousin) writes;

Surprisingly Matt is still able to go to the next destination after this mishap! We do know that he got a bit "waterblogged".... but since we've had limited internet access in this backward area, he's been unable to get on here to share. Now these two particular photos have been painstakingly kept secret from him, and he is beyond incredibly suspicious, so expect some nasty backlash comments to appear.... that is if he is man enough to let this all stand! ;0)

Reaching for the stars..


In the boat enjoying the show are Michael Roe, Zachary Ball (1st cousin once removed), Andrew (Ball) Primerano (also 1COR) and Will Ball, cousin at the wheel.

Matt & Will

Here we'll show the happier side of lake life for Matt, riding on the jetski with Will. Now, he did manage to get thrown off this conveyance as well, but we thought we'd leave that one off...

Jillin chillin

This is our "Jillin chillin'" photo...... Mum, we love you, and we had a wonderful time visiting with you for a few short days in the US, so please don't get TOO mad about this photo!

We'll have more later.....


  • Lizzie and Matt,
    Couldn't have posted better photos to represent the true spirit of the lake!! Your stop here was too short but we were glad to see you even for a lttle while. Keep up the excellent photography and descriptions of your trip!
    Will, Zach and RzB

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:16 AM  

  • Right, Pati, you were going to get a good write up but after this...

    By Blogger Matt and Lizzie, at 1:05 AM  

  • Just a little clarification here: Lizzie did, in fact, write the first sentence all on her own. She also edited and approved the remaining copy.

    Pati :0)

    By Blogger Pati, at 12:39 PM  

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