Matt and Lizzies trip

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Matts travels

Coming to a shop near you, soon.


  • Hey... It seems contact is less frequent now that IYT is down. Just as i started winning as well. Did you device a nasty virus to get rid of the evidence??

    Cambodia it is then? I only spent about a day in Phnomh Penh, but i can recommend a great hostel (didnt stay there, but its nice, i ate there (great food!) and checked out the rooms but we already paid for ours). Can't remember the name but its just opposite Prison called S21 (famous prison where the Khmer inprisoned and killed intellecutal people and their families).

    In Siem Reap , everyone seems to rave about Smileys - or Happy's, same place,different name. The logo is a smiley, i think the name is Happy's, so people get confused. You absolutely havew to eat at Borey Sovann
    Best food i've eaten outside my kitchen ;) I wasn't too keen on Phnomh Penh, but i absolutely loved Siem Reap and Angkor. I'd go back there anytime.

    Give me a shout if you want any ideas (this is the only place of your trip i can be of use, so its now or never!).
    Take care, and mind those tripmines (the khmer rouge left a few behind).

    And stop tracing me! I want my privacy back.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:32 PM  

  • It wasn't me, honest!

    We're back off to Phnom Penh in a couple of days. Probably just doing the banana pancake trail of phnom - angkor - bangkok, although if we can fit in Laos we keep hearing that's brilliant.
    Borey Sovann's, ok, I'll look out for that.

    Your privacy is safe with me, what have you got to hide? Oh, just bringing your hard drive up, lets see... yeah, nothing that's technically illegal there.

    By Blogger Matt and Lizzie, at 7:53 AM  

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