Matt and Lizzies trip

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Nha Trang

Congratulations to Lizzie, who's now a certified open water diver after taking a course in Nha Trang. Nha Trang has a reasonable beach, great restaurants and cafes, and that's about it. Its a shame that there were only 2 dive sites going, the other 18 had very heavy seas - tropical storm 10w was to blame. In case you're wondering what we're doing in Vietnam in the extremely hot, monsoonal wet season, err, that's a good question. Everywhere in August is pretty nasty, either winter for South America, horribly booked up for Europe, majorly monsoonal in India, permanently foggy in Nepal and we had to be somewhere! Its not too bad.

We're now in Dalat, up in the mountains and its blissfully cool. Dalat makes "authentic" Melbone Autraslian wine (no, that's how they spelt it), candied fruits, has lakes, mountains and lots of kitsch. Haven't seen too much of the kitsch yet. We've got to get a move on, our visa expires on the 24th. We see so many travellers staying 2 days or less in each place, we're taking more like 4 or 5 days.


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