Matt and Lizzies trip

Friday, July 29, 2005

Images from Japan and Korea

Would you believe it, in the 3 most sophisticated countries we've been to -America, Japan and Korea- we've had the most trouble with internet connections (why did you curse us with windows 98, Microsoft, why?). We're now in Vietnam, its hot and sticky and bizarely has the best duty free in the world (Johnnie Walker gold for 14gbp a bottle, online its 60gbp).

Starting from Seattle, this is Mount Rainier (actually quite dry when we went), from the air:
ranier from air

No props were used in the taking of this photo. Landing in Kyoto, we immediately went on a sightseeing spree finding places like the Golden Pavilion (Ginkaku Ji I think, my Japanese isn't that great):
Golden pavilion in kyoto

Lucky dragon statues:
girl and dragon

Beer vending machines:
asahi small

Imperial castles:
imperial castle kyoto
This one's actually historically important. The Shogun really ruled the country for centuaries, with the Emperor - a figurehead, after he lost control of the armies- safely locked up in Kyoto Imperial Palace (the Shogun ruled from Edo, now Tokyo). When the Shogun came to visit the Emperor, he stayed in this very big defensible castle, the Emperor tucked away in a huge park just north of here.

Japanese food:
japanese food

Ah, I haven't mentioned Korea yet. I wasn't convinced by Seoul (insert obligatory, obvious pun of your choice here), it was a big city with some palaces. Kimchi is the national food, its a pickled fermented cabbage-radish concoction eaten with everything (mmmmm). I'll have to look into Korean history a bit, because as far as I can see everyone in the world has invaded it (mysterious gaps in national museum accounts, then "and the restoration of the palace started again in"). Of course, they are slightly paranoid about the recent oil deposits found in North Korea and its apalling record on chemicals of mass combustion.

They also have the biggest underground shopping mall in Asia, don't you know. We watched War of the Worlds (How Alien Invasion Bonds Families) down there, slightly spookily that night there was the biggest, loudest lightning storm I have ever heard -the thunder was rattling the entire building.

Something out of Crouching Tiger (actually the Korean Imperial Palace (mark III) changing of the guard)
korea palace

plane sunset
They didn't give us views like this on United/Air Canada, these Asian airlines really know their stuff. Anyway, we have now landed in Ha Noi (of the famous tower of hanoi puzzle), its 35'C (93'F), 100% humidity, and back to cheap. Tomorrow, Halong bay and a week on a beach.


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