Matt and Lizzies trip

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Just a quick post to say we`re not dead, just marooned without internet cafe on Lake Titicaca. Well, an extremely expensive, crowded and slow internet cafe anyway, the owner just shrugs his shoulders and says "no hotmail working".

We`re on the Bolivian side, Copacabana, and its very nice. Great restaurants, hotels, the only downside is its cold and the sun will burn you in two seconds.

Puno - Peru- later this afternoon, we`ll see the floating islands and go straight to Cusco. Lots of people are stranded here as there are tons of demonstrations all over the country - all roads out of La Paz are blockaded. I won`t go too much into Bolivian politics, its a mess, and about half the population are demostrating they are too poor and someone should give them more money and kick out the greedy foreign multinationals.


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