Matt and Lizzies trip

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Photos from the Salar d´Uyuni trip

Salt of the earth
Salt of the Salar


A canyon


Geysers at 4950m - the highest I´ve ever been (until Nepal!).

Matt lounging in hot spring

Matt lounging in hot spring (Matt being on the right with the hat) - the much touted, 30cm deep hot spring we drove to (about 4800m high)

Laguna Colorado
Laguna Colorado

Laguna Colorado
Laguna Colorado (the red lake). The red is casued by ochre pigments, the white is actually borax not salt.


Llamas. Llamas are about the only thing that can survive up here.

Lizzie and I in front of Laguna Verde

Us in rocks
Us on the rocks


  • Holy Crap, thats a lot of salt

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:42 PM  

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