Matt and Lizzies trip

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Siete Lagos

We Spent 4 days cycling round the Siete Lagos area near Villa Angostura.
Villa la Angostura

It was my favourite time of the trip so far. The Siete Lagos are in the Nahuel Huapi national park so there is very little developement.

We stayed two of the nights in Villa Traful which is a small village on a dirt road, 150km from Bariloche and 60km from Villa Angostura.

Villa Traful

The town is situated on Lake Traful. On entering the village you pass through a forest of tall trees whose bending tops sound like creeking door hinges high up. Villa Traful had a slow, bordering on unreal feel to it and I would have stayed longer had I not had to get the bikes back. We had our first oppurtunity to do our own parilla at the hostel we stayed in. We thought we wouldn´t be able to get much in the way of beef in the village but on asking one of the shop keepers if they sold meat, he opened a door behind him to reveal a whole cow.

We had forgotten to take a puncture repair kit (and pump) with us. Luckily or unluckily we got a puncture just going into the village. The owner of our hostel very kindly fixed the puncture but we had a tense morning trying to find a bycicle pump. There only seemed to be one in the entire village and this was at the petrol station.

Views of Siete Lagos

Lago Lacar

Lake Thingy

Today we walked through the Arrayanes peninsula. Its a small national park, so called because it contains one of the last remaining groups of Arrayan trees. Apparently these trees are the remnants of ancient forests formed when South America was still attached to Australia.

Lizzie hugging a tree
Matt by trees

We`re off to Mendoza with a 17 hour bus ride tomorrow - it brings home just how big Argentina is that a 17 hour bus ride takes you from the middle-south to the middle of the country. We`re in San Martin de los Andes at the moment, its very nice, quite trendy and upmarket. Had cheese fondue yesterday - there`s a lot of Swiss people in this area- it was weird, very posh cheese on toast. The entire area is so nice, we are definitely going to come back here - absolutely goregous. And tons of skiing if you go july-september, this is the off-season.

We are so lucky to be on this trip.


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