Matt and Lizzies trip

Saturday, May 14, 2005

La Paz

I knew the journey to La Paz was going to be an interesting one when the family of three sharing the double seat we had reserved had to move to one seat for the duration of the night when we arrived. I felt pretty guilty when the little girl started throwing up from motion sickness caused by sitting at her mothers feet and facing the wrong way along the twisty mountain roads.

To get from Sucre to La Paz we had to go back through Potosi. There had been road blocks at Potosi ( 6 human chains across the road) in the days up to our bus ride but luckily on the day we travelled they had disbanded.

La Paz must be pretty unique in the world. Its in a huge basin in the Altiplano. The airport is on the edge and is at 4000m. In the middle of the basin the altitude is 3600m. I´ve been getting quite breathless walking aroung here. The height makes me very lethargic. In the city centre are some smart sky scrapers which remind me of the small city skylines you see in America like Seattle. The tourist area we're in is to the North of the city in the Witches market. I haven't got used to the smell of the Llama Fetous they sell there. I have to breathe through my mouth every time I walk past.

Tomorrow we´re going to ride bikes to Coroico. The road we´re taking is dubbed the moast dangerous road in the world as it descends 3000m in a distance of 80k. We´re doing it with a tour agency who will take all our stuff and drive behind all the way. After that we're going to stay in Coroico.


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