Matt and Lizzies trip

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Top 10 travel peeves

  • Wine waiters, who, when asked for a recommendation, smile and point to the most expensive bottle of wine on the list.
  • Wine waiters, who, when asked for something a bit cheaper, point to 2nd most expensive bottle of wine on list
  • Screaming babies in airplanes
  • Youth hostels. Why are they more expensive than 3* air nonditioned satellite tv hotels? (I`m not kidding - Buenos Aires, 12gbp for youth hostel, 10gbp for 3* hotel).
  • Fans in rooms that have 2 settings, blow your head off and off.
  • People snoring in dorm rooms
  • Internet cafes that refuse to let you plug your camera in
  • Chile (ok, ok, its a bit harsh to condem an entire country, but all we`ve heard/experiences, its far more expensive and grumpy than next door Argentina)
  • Beds that are only 5'5" long.
  • Incredibly cheap alcohol, I mean, 1 pound for a good bottle of wine, 40pence for a litre of beer, are they trying to get me drunk here? (joke)

    • Dont go to 4* hostels! /Johan

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:33 PM  

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