Matt and Lizzies trip

Friday, March 04, 2005

Sao Sebastiou

First impressions: its wet, you can have any coffee you want as long as its black, no one speaks a word of english and brazilian portugeuse is incomprehensible.

The plan was to spend a week on the beach to chill out, we spent it huddling in cafes looking at torrential downpours. Oh well.

The guidebook said that Ilha Bella was really nice, and the backpackers all stayed in Sao Sebastiou on the mainland and caught the ferry accross. We tried this, Ilha Bella is sort of underwhelming, ok, but nothing special. Sao Sebastiou is a petrol town, dominated by 2 oil tankers in the bay, petrobas cylinder thingies etc. There were 2 beaches just west, Pauba and Marsesias that´d I´d recommend (if it wasn´t raining). Oh well. The place we stayed (Hotel Roma) was excellent, 25 Real ("rhhhe-al") which is about 5quid, came with an absolutely huge breakfast- including 4 types of cake, scrambled eggs, fresh papya/melon, the lot. At this price we´ll be fine.

Food in brazil is weird. Pay per kilo, per person, per dish, per pretty much anything goes. Most portions are actually for 2 people, it sometimes says this on the menu. Beer is long, cold and cheap (60p a pint)

We´ve just caught the bus back to Sau Paulo, for the flight to Buenos Aires tomorrow (hey, it was free on the ticket as its more or less in a straight line - that´d be $150US of bus travel over 72 hours, ouch). Then El Calafate for the Moreno glacier (60m high moving wall of ice which falls off to become icebergs (we´ll actually have to pay for this flight, but I´m not going 2000 miles by bus, at least not there and back). Then Torres del Paine, the navimag ferry through the fjords to Puerto Montt, then we´ll have a few months trekking through the andes. Its a hard life.

I enjoyed beeing off the Beaten Back Packer track. We didn´t notice any other foreign tourists in Sau Sebastiou. I´ve never seen rain forest before so found it really exciting to see the original atalntic rainforest lining the Sau Sebastiou coast between Rio de Janeiro and Sau Paulo. If we´d had more time it would have been great to explore Ilha Bella as the beaches on the western most side are said to be the best in Brazil. (It seems the best places are always the hardest to get to)


  • Lizzie this is Inspiring. You go girl!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:44 PM  

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