Matt and Lizzies trip

Monday, February 14, 2005

First post

We're going off around the world, my girlfriend Lizzie and myself, Matt.

Our rough plan is: Brazil - Argentina - Chile - Peru - Toronto (Rochester)- Seattle - Kyoto - Vietnam - Cambodia - Thailand - Nepal - India and back home to London.


  • Hello U 2!

    I must register my official objection to being left off your itinerary. I realize Rochester is not as cache a name as the rest, but hey, we're not chopped liver! Besides, you get to stay here FREE and be served FREE food and enjoy a lakeside retreat for FREE! So I think we at least deserve a tiny mention....

    Pati ;0)

    PS You do know I'm just having you on, right?!

    By Blogger Pati, at 12:22 AM  

  • Hey, stop nicking our English city names! Rochester is just down the road from london. At least call it New Rochester...

    By Blogger Matt and Lizzie, at 9:56 PM  

  • Ahem, but we are Rochester in NEW York, not any of that OLD stuff for us! Besides, we really live in Honeoye Falls, definitely NOT nicked, and you probably can't pronounce it!!! (It's "hon-ee-oy") My church choir sang in Rochester (Rochester Cathedral, UK) for a week, the evensong, but i didn't make that trip. I'm glad I waited beause I am really excited to sing at St. Paul's! Believe me, we have nicked names from EVERYWHERE around here! Rome, Egypt, Caledonia, Macedon, Greece, Brighton, etc. etc. etc....


    By Blogger Pati, at 3:13 AM  

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