Matt and Lizzies trip

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Koh Phi Phi

Having dodged 3 monsoons, we're now back in Thailand, in the absolutely spiffing Koh Phi Phi. This island is paradise, best place we've been for sun, sea, sand, fun, facilities etc.

But wait, I hear you say. Wasn't... yes, it did get flattened by the Tsunami. Hit by a 3m wave from the south and then a 6m wave from the north, which as the settled bit is only about 2m above sea level was pretty fatal. It seems to be back on its feet now, there's still a lot of construction work going on but that's mainly a lack of money. It was a seesaw argument about going -yes, they want the tourist trade, no, they don't have enough resources for themselves but this is a fairly modern country and all the essentials (water, food, port) were established months ago. There are still some scary reminders, the 7-11 shop with just the sign still standing, the insides just washed completely away.

If you've got 2 or 3 weeks holiday, come here (maybe not in September when its the monsoon). Costs really aren't that high, $12 for room with fan and private bathroom, up to maybe $40 for deluxe air con. Really really good food in the town; awful food in the tourist restaurants on the beaches. Oh, and yes, this is the place they filmed The Beach -well, the island next door which is just as nice but no hotels.


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