Matt and Lizzies trip

Monday, September 19, 2005

Full Moon on Koh Pagn Nagn

One full moon, two miles of beach, 15 clubs with soundwalls pointed outwards and 20,000 people - its the Koh Pagn Nagn full moon party. Big. All pretty relaxed considering, you can just wander from club to club with your mood, with your Sang Sum "whiskey" bucket or beer of choice from the 7-11. That was yesterday. Today... ugh.

This island is a tropical paradise, we've rented a bike and rode round it to choose a beach for the next week and they were all pretty much perfect. There are a few signs that the monsoon season is coming though - we nearly outran a huge storm (the road doubled back into it, we were soaked to the bone). Internet all over these islands is slow, expensive, and the power keeps going out so if we're silent blame that.

We're now planning to meet up with Mike (Liz's brother) in Kuala Lumpur in a few weeks, via Bottle Beach and the Perhentians.


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