Matt and Lizzies trip

Monday, December 12, 2005

The world

These are the last 100 visitors of our site. It feels weird being in India, with lots of package tourists, and thinking, actually we went the long way round. Anyway, the long awaited "Best-of" the world lists:

  • Best Food: Vietnam. Every meal was excellent. Best Indian thali so far, best Chinese, best everything except steak. Runners up to Argentina for humongous steaks and India for curries. (Note to American friends - this is for eating out, eating in is purely on the skill of the cook not the nation!)
  • Worst Food: Bolivia. Ugh. Closely followed by Peru. Nepal came close, but what do you expect halfway up Everest, and besides, it had good western imitations and tibetan dishes.
  • Best Transport: Argentina. Buses on time, cheap, lots of legroom, even wine, food and movies on some of them.
  • Worst Transport: Canada. Come on guys, I hear there are some Bolivian travel agents available for hire.
  • Most Friendly: We don't know. Argentina, Sherpas, Thailand all about equal.
  • Least Friendly: Bolivia. They really didn't want you there.
  • Most Messed up: Nepal. Wins over Bolivia by one actual civil war, several messy coups and complete intimidation of the press. Credit going to India for a state government declaring their solution to a drought was "we have complete faith in the rain god".
  • Favourite country: Thailand and Argentina - completely different, equally nice.


  • Well I'll certainly agree on Argentina being the best country. Not sure about Bolivia being the most unfriendly though. From my experiences I would give that accolade to Egypt.

    By Blogger Marcus Aidley, at 6:30 PM  

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