Matt and Lizzies trip

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Rooster, originally uploaded by matthewharrup.

It certainly wasn't wilderness on the Annapurna trek (called the "costa del trekking" by the normaly loathe to print anything negative Lonely Planet). Every village seemed to be doing fine, lots of animals, school kids, motorbikes beeping you off the trails, apple pies that the landlady swears were just baked today, "hot" showers and attached bathrooms - luxury.

Of course, then there were the Maoists, who have to be the nicest hun toting communist revolutionaries intent on overthrowing the fascist bourgois state and uniting the oppressed masses that I've ever met.

Oh well, I think you get out of these things what you put in, and we were pretty tired to start with. I'd reccomend the Sanctuary trek or the circuit - we did the easiest bit not exactly knowing how long we wanted to spend.


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